Rainbow Magic Wiki
Mary the Sharing Fairy
Race Fairy
Gender ♀ Female
Series Friendship Fairies
Magical Item(s) / Animal(s) Yin-Yang charm
Symbol(s) Charm bracelets

Mary the Sharing Fairy is the second fairy in the Friendship Fairies series.


Best friends Rachel and Kirsty know sharing is an important part of friendship. But thanks to nasty Jack Frost, everyone is starting to forget how! Can the girls help Mary the Sharing Fairy save friendships everywhere?


Mary has shoulder-length blonde hair. She wears a light pink folk-patterned t-shirt, white jeans, matching gold glasses, and sandals. Her wings are diamond-shaped and pink-tinted.

Symbol: Charm bracelets

Magical object/Job[]

Magic Object: Yin-yang charm.

Job: Mary's job is to make sure everyone shares nicely.

Story Summary[]

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Rachel is bouncing around on a space hopper while Kirsty wonders what they will be doing that day. Their friends, Oscar and Lara, are doing cartwheels and come over to them. Ginny and Jen enter the tent and announce the local tennis club has asked them to create a mural on the side of their clubhouse. The whole group walk to the clubhouse, where Ginny and Jen explain the idea of the mural is friendship and pass around a stencil book. As the children put on painting aprons, a girl called Amy whines about Kirsty having the best apron. Rachel defends her but Amy turns away. Rachel asks Oscar if she can have a look at the book but he says to wait. He and a boy, Eric, fight over the book. When both girls try to paint alongside him, Lara pulls him away. The girls realise it's due to the Friendship Fairies missing objects that the other children don't know how to share. Amy and Oscar quarrel over paint and Ginny and Jen argue over a tennis racquet. The girls decide to get a mop and bucket to clear up the paint spillage; inside the shed Rachel spots the bucket glowing and Mary flies out. She asks for their help before tucking herself into Kirsty's apron pocket. They see three boys painting the top end of the wall, and realise they're goblins by noticing their long noses under their painting caps. The children offer to share, and the girls see Mary's charm around the wrist of the goblin on the ladder. Kirsty asks Mary to change the colour of the goblins paint and they are disgusted. The girls demand the charm back but the goblins run away.

Mary turns them into fairies and they follow the goblins to the tennis courts. A tennis player offers her racquet to the goblin with the charm. He takes it and the players walk away. He starts hitting tennis balls, aiming them at the fairies. Kirsty accidentally gets tangled up in the net, giving her an idea, and Rachel frees her. They lure the goblin to the net, calling on his bad playing, and Mary uses her magic to untie the net and wound it around the goblin. He refuses to give back the charm until the fairies reassure him he won’t get in trouble with Jack Frost. He manages to remove the charm and drop it, and Mary hooks it onto her bracelet. She magic's up a bowl of strawberries and cream for the goblins and she hugs the girls and thanks them. She makes them human sized again and disappears, while Rachel and Kirsty run back to the club house. Everything is calm again and the children paint and finish their mural. Afterwards, the girls are walking back to their Bed & Breakfast when they see an ice cream stand. They share an ice cream while talking about that day's adventure.


  • The Yin and Yang symbol originates from China and represents the relationship between light and dark, meaning the good and bad in life must be equal.
  • Her Spanish name is María.

v - e
Main: Kirsty Tate ~ Rachel Walker

Friendship Fairies: Esther the Kindness Fairy ~ Mary the Sharing Fairy ~ Mimi the Laughter Fairy ~ Clare the Caring Fairy
Fairyland: King Oberon ~ Queen Titania ~ Jack Frost ~ Goblins ~ Florence the Friendship Fairy
Human world: Mr Tate ~ Mrs Tate ~ Mr Walker ~ Mrs Walker ~ Ginny and Jen ~ Oscar and Lara ~ Mr Holliday ~ Mr Twinkle ~ Heather ~ Eric ~ Amy

Human world: Rainspell Island
Rainspell friendship

Fairyland: Fairyland Palace ~ Ice Castle

Rachel Elliot